
Professional and reliable CARCARE from the german company "Der Autoputzer", what means: "the carcleaner".
Our professional carcare service also includes an international worldwide service.

Your chance
in the self-employment: for interested persons, who want to learn more about the job as professional carcleaner, we offer special courses and seminars

Learn, how to offer the market professional carcare services.
For further questions, you can send a Mail.

Günstige Gruppenschulung Aktionen in 2025

Buchen Sie ein Seminar für Ihre Existenzgründung oder Firmenpersonal. 
Fragen oder direkt Terminvereinbarung? Unverbindlich anrufen:

Der Autoputzer Deutschland ®
Gneisenaustr. 9
33330 Gütersloh

Tel.: 05241-2239634

Persönliche Beratungsgespräche nach Terminvereinbarung.