Professional car care training courses in Germany

You want to go new ways? You are on the search for a new self employment? You are welcome in our family!

Be a part of a successful growing idea:- Offer high quality, professional & systematic car detailing to ambitious clients and car dealers"Der Autoputzer Deutschland Lizenznehmer" (that means: The Carcleaner Germany licensee) - you can be a licensee in your own city or country, you work independet, thus you trade for your own account.

Be a part of our through german TV known company - Profit from our image - start with a clean image- You can do your job stationary or mobile (you can start your self employment at first without expensive workshop)- Concentrate yourself on your job, we do the internet marketing for you.

Günstige Gruppenschulung Aktionen in 2025

Buchen Sie ein Seminar für Ihre Existenzgründung oder Firmenpersonal. 
Fragen oder direkt Terminvereinbarung? Unverbindlich anrufen:

Der Autoputzer Deutschland ®
Gneisenaustr. 9
33330 Gütersloh

Tel.: 05241-2239634

Persönliche Beratungsgespräche nach Terminvereinbarung.